To avoid alterations buy the 221cm- 224cm length curtain,
this is a good length for most windows.
(check your window height).
Most styles have this length but not the S Wave Curtains,
they will need to be altered to length.
Choose the heading you like and find more information about that
heading in the ready made guide.
PINCH PLEAT (pictured on a custom made track)
I will start with the pinch pleat curtain, it has pleats sewn individually
into the heading which gives this curtain heading it's structure.
It is a traditional style and still very popular today.
Use on a rod/ ring set or track.
Available in the stores, Spotlight are phasing them out but still has a basic range,
Curtain Wonderland uses this pleat throughout their stores.
Available on line and as a custom made curtain.
INVERTED OR BOX PLEAT (pictured on a ready made rod set)
This pleat is a reverse of the pinch pleat, it is a more modern take on the pinch pleat.
Use on a rod/ ring set or track.
Spotlight still has a basic range in the inverted pleat curtains.
Available on line and as a custom made curtain.
PENCIL PLEAT (pictured on a ready made track)
The pencil pleat is adjustable which is the reason it is it is available in many stores.
The heading is kept together with string and hooks, if this style is not done right the heading
tends to get untidy.
Two mistakes that I often see is not enough gathering in the width of the curtain and
not enough hooks to support the heading.
I prefer to use this heading on smaller to medium sized windows.
Use a rod/ ring set or track, (use a corded track to have more control over the opening
and closing of your pencil pleat curtains).
Available in Spotlight and other stores, on line and as a custom made curtain.
S WAVE OR S BEND (pictured on a custom made track)
This style has become increasingly more popular because
of it's looks and easy installation and use.
Used with single or double S Wave tracks.
Available in Spotlight and Freedom, on line and as a custom made curtain,
I'm sure it will become the most popular curtain heading in time.
EYELET (pictured on a rod)
The eyelet style is probably the cheapest way to do curtains.
It can only go on a rod, it's easy to install and easy to use.
It suits small to medium size windows but can be used on a wider window
in multiple drops if planned right.
Available in Spotlight, Curtain Wonderland and many other stores,
on line and as a custom made curtain.
These are the main curtain styles available, there are some lesser styles around
which suit smaller windows.
I hope this information helps you in your planning process as you choose
curtains for your home.
Cheers Sharon